Most MS sufferers have difficulty coping with the additional heat produced by their bodies and will often seek various means to stay cool, often with varied results. We have a wide range of products to help you cope.

HyperKewl evaporative technology is water activated, will stay cool for 5-10 hours and will last many years. HyperKewl is available in a vest, headwear and a range of accessories.

TechKewl phase change technology uses Cool Pax inserts which maintain a steady 14°C/58°F for up to 2 hours. Cool Pax can be recharged in a fridge, freezer or ice water in about 30 minutes.

Circulatory cooling is achieved by pumping cold water through a series of tubes within the vest. Pump and reservoir can be ordered in a back pack or cooler.

Cooling Towels are designed to store excessive water, which is released into the atmosphere through evaporation. Two towel options are: 1. PVA, which have a chamois feel (blue or pink coloured) and 2. Microfibre Fabric towels which are machine washable and stay cool 1- 2 hours.

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This vest (please feel free to insert the name of the vest here) has changed my daily life.  I have MS and I purchased this vest to participate in outdoor activities during the summer months.  So little did I know that I would be wearing it indoors even more.  Even with central air conditioning, the coolness of this vest is so soothing.  I put it on whenever I feel symptoms flare up or whenever I over heat and it helps to calm the symptoms down.   It is so comfortable that I have even worn it when sleeping or napping.  I will continue to use this vest year round when exercising indoors and when cooking in a hot kitchen.  I’m so glad that I tried it.  It was worth every penny.  I highly recommend it to anyone with MS who experiences heat sensitivity.  It is one of the best strategies I have found yet, to manage the fluctuating symptoms.

Julie, Burlington Ontario